Monday, January 5, 2009

more along the journey.

the journey continues.....
i hope you enjoyed some pictures i took today....the last one is a lil sad...poor lil piggy. the middle picture is of dried snake skin, and no joke it is food here...mmm...anyone hungry? haha!
so today i went through a meat market and got to see so many strange things for sell...pretty much if it is alive or crawls it is eatable. i saw cages of cats, bunnies, chickens, birds, turtles and my favorite one, the large mesh bag of live snakes. we went through the seafood market as well, again if it lives in the sea they sell it, everything from sea cucumber to blood worms and sea horses by the ten gallon bag. it was memorable for sure.
once we worked up our appetite walking through the market we had a nice lunch of jousa or in english "dumplings" and noodles. it was so good....i love the food here, i have only wanted to gag once and it was not because of the taste, but because of the texture and that was today at the tea shop with some new friends i met today. they ordered a plate of chicken feet, i have seen them many times and i knew i would try them....and today was the day! they came out looking just like chicken feet, with the nails/claws and all, it was covered in this sauce that is a mixture between soy and sweet and sour sauce. they taste was not bad at all, but the texture was terrible, there is no meat on the feet at all, only the skin, so the object is to rip the skin off the bone and enjoy! the part that got to me the most was the bottom of the feet, it was just too strange. 
tonight i went to the market with a couple of people and we met a nice lady who served us lots and lots of tea while she chatted with us. i have been learning as many words in chinese as i can, i would love to one day be fluent. "Ho ha" means "its good to drink" "Ho" means "good" "jigga jigga" means "this" "booya" means "i don't want" and of course "ni how" means "hello". so there is your chinese lesson for today. :-)
i have found my favorite street vendor and i am planning on eating street food the rest of the dinners here, this guy makes these fold up things with peppers, egg, chives and lettuce in them. peter and i got them for dinner and ate them in the market while we drank tea with our new friend. i also found these yummy fruits that are soooo cheap! 5 of them for only 5 rmb which is less than a dollar american. yum yum yum!
haha so this has been a very long post about the food of china, what can i say...i love cultural food! haha 
the seeds are being planted and we have already seen some harvest, so my time here has been good. tomorrow we are thinking about going to the sea and we will see how things go out there. i will be coming home in a week! i miss you all and think of you daily. 
much love.